Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Using the Bottom

If you read the previous post, this one is a follow-up to that.  I've used the same die--the MFT Floral Fusion, but instead of using the waxed paper layer of this cutout, I used the cardstock layer.  When using dies, I sandwich them together like this:  Bottom is cardstock, Middle is waxed paper, and the Top is the die.  In the previous post, I showed the image using the waxed paper layer--today is the cardstock layer.

This time I remembered to use dimensionals between the base and the next layer, which I was happy about.  I also used the Sakura Jelly Roll Glitter Pen in clear to color in the flower centers and also some of the petals.    It's always satisfying to get a project completed and send it on to the recipient.

This card is for an anniversary of a couple I've known many years, and we get together with 8-10 people every month and play all sorts of board, card, and dice games.  We used to have this gathering at night, but we'd want to play into the very late hours, sometimes the wee hours, so we changed it to brunch, and then the games begin.  It's a potluck kind of deal, and everyone is a great cook or baker.

Here's an up-close image to show off the Sakura glitter pen, but I think it's quite visible already in the first image.

Please COMMENT below about your favorite coverall die, and may all your goodnesses be blessed.


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